Become a Member of OHI

Vibrant neighborhoods don’t just happen. They’re the result of years of hard work and effort. Investing time and money is an important part of strengthening our stellar neighborhood.

Become a Member of OHI today!

Why Should You Join Observatory Hill, Inc.?

We are fortunate to live in one of the safest and most beautiful neighborhoods in Pittsburgh.

Observatory Hill, Inc. cares about you and works hard to protect the things and places we all love and continue to improve our quality of life. Amazing things get accomplished by neighbors getting together and recognizing the problems, forming a plan of action, and working to solve them. We are fortunate to have a strong neighborhood group and a direct opportunity to affect change. 

Observatory Hill, Inc. advocates for the preservation and improvement of Riverview Park—one of the jewels of our city, and the crown of the Northside.  Currently, we are pressing the city to make much-needed improvements to the playground at the park.  OHI partners with neighbors who work together to plant the gardens and to organize special volunteer projects to better the trails and amenities at the park.

Observatory Hill, Inc. is focused on commercial revitalization and housing preservation and development.  We are constantly looking for ways to positively impact our neighborhood, and have formed a Neighborhood Improvements Committee to focus on blighted commercial and residential properties, absentee landlords and safety issues, with a goal to attract business owners and new residents to our neighborhood.

Most people don’t realize that when neighborhoods crumble around them and quality of life erodes, it is their lack of involvement that allowed it to happen. Most people also don’t realize that when their neighborhood is improving, it is only because some of their neighbors are getting involved.

It doesn’t matter if you own or rent, all residents of Observatory Hill benefit from the beauty, cohesiveness, and friendliness of this special place.  Living in this neighborhood is more like living in a suburb or a park than in the an urban neighborhood of a big city.   If you take a stroll along any of our shaded streets, or through the trails of Riverview Park, there is a good chance that you will meet people you know and pass neighbors who will be happy to smile and say hello.

It is now time for you to get involved

Get involved--for yourself, your family, and your neighbors, for your neighborhood and this city. You can start small —join as a member today to support the many efforts of Observatory Hill, Inc.  Attend our monthly board meetings, held on the third Wednesday of each month.  Find out what’s going on, bring your concerns, if you have any, but mostly, meet your neighbors. Find out about neighborhood activities, meet your elected representatives, learn about development projects and community improvement activities. Let us know about your issues and voice your concerns.  Start a cleanup project or community activity—OHI is here to help you garner resources and spread the word.  Your voice is important to us, and we hope you will join OHI and attend our meetings.  You will learn something, enjoy yourself, and make new friends and have the satisfaction that you are one of the reasons that Observatory Hill is a stellar neighborhood.

Click on the payment button to make an electronic donation via  Paypal.  If you prefer to mail a check, you can send it to:  Observatory Hill, Inc., P.O. Box 100247, Pittsburgh, PA 15233.

Join OHI